Living Wage Calculation for Saginaw, MI

The living wage shown is the hourly rate that an individual in a household must earn to support themselves and/or their family, working full-time, or 2080 hours per year. The tables below provide living wage estimates for individuals and households with one or two working adults and zero to three children. In households with two working adults, all hourly values reflect what one working adult requires to earn to meet their families’ basic needs, assuming the other adult also earns the same.

The poverty wage and state minimum wage are for reference purposes. Poverty wage estimates come from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Poverty Guidelines for 2025 and have been converted from an annual value to an hourly wage for ease of comparison. The state minimum wage data is sourced from the Labor Law Center and includes the minimum wage in a given state as of January of that year.

For further detail, please reference the Methodology page. The data on this page was last updated on February 10, 2025.





0 Children 1 Child 2 Children 3 Children 0 Children 1 Child 2 Children 3 Children 0 Children 1 Child 2 Children 3 Children
Living Wage $19.11 $33.20 $41.24 $51.79 $27.72 $33.18 $36.95 $41.97 $13.86 $19.13 $23.38 $27.67
Poverty Wage $7.52 $10.17 $12.81 $15.46 $10.17 $12.81 $15.46 $18.10 $5.08 $6.41 $7.73 $9.05
Minimum Wage $12.48 $12.48 $12.48 $12.48 $12.48 $12.48 $12.48 $12.48 $12.48 $12.48 $12.48 $12.48

Typical Expenses

The table below shows the costs of each basic need that go into estimating the living wage. Like with the living wage, their values vary by location and family size.





0 Children 1 Child 2 Children 3 Children 0 Children 1 Child 2 Children 3 Children 0 Children 1 Child 2 Children 3 Children
Food $3,891 $5,722 $8,571 $11,404 $7,134 $8,867 $11,406 $13,914 $7,134 $8,867 $11,406 $13,914
Child Care $0 $8,685 $17,370 $23,276 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,685 $17,370 $23,276
Medical $3,236 $7,594 $7,674 $7,759 $6,745 $8,661 $8,963 $9,298 $6,745 $8,661 $8,963 $9,298
Housing $8,580 $12,508 $12,508 $16,196 $9,532 $12,508 $12,508 $16,196 $9,532 $12,508 $12,508 $16,196
Transportation $9,580 $11,086 $13,965 $16,069 $11,086 $13,965 $16,069 $17,826 $11,086 $13,965 $16,069 $17,826
Civic $3,126 $5,504 $6,077 $7,791 $5,504 $6,077 $7,791 $8,643 $5,504 $6,077 $7,791 $8,643
Internet & Mobile $1,521 $1,521 $1,521 $1,521 $2,102 $2,102 $2,102 $2,102 $2,102 $2,102 $2,102 $2,102
Other $4,112 $7,900 $8,276 $9,949 $7,900 $8,763 $9,949 $11,037 $7,900 $8,763 $9,949 $11,037
Required annual income after taxes $34,046 $60,519 $75,962 $93,963 $50,002 $60,943 $68,788 $79,014 $50,002 $69,628 $86,158 $102,290
Annual taxes $5,706 $8,527 $9,815 $13,750 $7,665 $8,063 $8,064 $8,286 $7,665 $9,960 $11,121 $12,805
Required annual income before taxes $39,752 $69,046 $85,777 $107,713 $57,667 $69,006 $76,852 $87,300 $57,667 $79,588 $97,279 $115,095

Typical Annual Salaries

The average annual salaries for various occupations in the table below comes from the latest state-level data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates. When available, this data is specific to a given metro area.

Occupational Area Typical Annual Salary
Management $111,460
Business & Financial Operations $72,200
Computer & Mathematical $83,350
Architecture & Engineering $82,800
Life, Physical, & Social Science $75,100
Community & Social Service $52,990
Legal $102,850
Education, Training, & Library $57,370
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, & Media $50,310
Healthcare Practitioners & Technical $99,530
Healthcare Support $35,700
Protective Service $51,340
Food Preparation & Serving Related $32,880
Building & Grounds Cleaning & Maintenance $35,400
Personal Care & Service $33,680
Sales & Related $41,610
Office & Administrative Support $42,790
Farming, Fishing, & Forestry $44,710
Construction & Extraction $59,970
Installation, Maintenance, & Repair $56,800
Production $44,650
Transportation & Material Moving $40,220